Monday, August 25, 2008

A Case of the Mondays

WARNING - Long post. I have a lot to unload.

I won't say that today was the worst Monday I've ever had...I'm sure there was one somewhere in my past that was worse...but today was pretty bad.

To start things off, last week I got a sinus infection that floored me. My doc said it wasn't a necessarily bad infection, but that my body was seriously drained from how hard I have been pushing my workouts. He basically told me that I need to loose weight in order to really loose weight. This blows. I have been doing really well with the workouts. I've actually begun to enjoy my workouts (something that is very new for me). My doc suggested I focus more on the diet side of loosing weight and lighten up on the intensity (and preferrably frequency) of my workouts. Food is my weakness. Not so much so in the amounts of the food (I really don't eat that much during the day), as it is the quality of the food I do eat. He suggested I bump up on the veggies. Blah. But the thing that sucks most about it is that I've known I need to change the way I eat for a looooooooong time. I was hoping to avoid that change with serious workouts. Guess not. :(

I digress...because my body couldn't handle a little sinus infection, before this morning I hadn't been able to work out since last Tuesday. When I stepped on the scale this morning...I had lost a WHOPPING 0 (yes, that is ZERO) pounds. The only marked improvement at all was -1" on my chest. Whoopdie freakin doo. Strike one for today.

I decided to start working on pushups with the one hundred pushups plan. I actually made it through day one and maxed out at 5 (girly pushups for now). Although, I'm sure my form was all screwed up because my damn stomach is too f-ing big. Good lord, this sucks. Strike two.

I managed 17 sit-ups. Better than I thought, but a lot of the work came from my legs and neck instead of the abs, where they're supposed to. Oh well. Strike three.

By the time I finished some serious stretching and some weight training, I was exhausted, but felt good since it was the first time in almost a week I had worked out. Except that on my way to work I realized that what I had mistaken for soreness in my abs was the beginnings of an ulcer. It is a very familiar feeling, so I know this is what it is, and I'm not happy. Strike four.

When I got to work, my boss pissed me off more than I have ever been in the last year and a half that I've been working there. She is a micro-managing control freak, and normally it doesn't bother me, because I'm a little bit like that. I have put up with a lot without bitching about it, but DAMN I wanted to just leave today. Strikes five and six. (This counts as two because I really cannot describe how PISSED OFF I was and how badly it made my ulcer flare up.)

The only reason I didn't blow up at work was I only worked a half day. The fall semester started today. One class - easy, one class - okay, third class - really really really time consuming and tedious. On any other day it probably wouldn't have been so bad, but I had had enough already. Strike seven.

After dinner (of which I ate very little because my ulcer was killing me), I decided to fix my fantasy football league. I am the commissioner and we had our draft yesterday. It went alright, but I'm new to the site we're using, so I wasn't quite sure how to make the changes I needed to. I ended up having to just delete everything and start over. What should have taken 15 mins took me an hour. And I'm still not 100% sure it's all fixed. Strike eight for this spectacular Monday.

Now...I am feeling a migraine coming on. It's either becaue today was the day from hell or because of "girly" things. Either way...strike NINE.

I really hope my headache is gone when I get up in the morning...I really NEED a good workout.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Baby steps toward a HUGE goal

Over the past six weeks, my working out and losing weight has been going well. The problem is that, although I know in six weeks I've gone from 265 lbs to 249 lbs, I have not created any kind of "measuring stick." Since there are certain marks I'm going to have to hit in order to make it to OCS, and because I need to break my overwhelmingly huge goal into smaller pieces, I created a goal worksheet.

I started out seeing how long it will take me to reach the maximum weight standard for my height (64") of 141 lbs (Army Weight Tables) if I consistently loose 2 lbs per week. It looks like SO FRIGGIN FAR AWAY!!!!! Holy crap...over a year! (Oh well...I know it will be worth it!) Then I started with the best possible score for a female in the 27-31 age range (although 26 now, I'll be 27 when I put in my packet) for push-ups and sit-ups (APFT Standards) and worked backwards. (I figure if I'm going to be working HARD at this for a whole year, I should be able to max out. Also, I've never been one to just do what's necessary...100% is ALWAYS my goal!)

I really have no idea what to use as reasonable progressions for the tested areas, but just getting something on paper helps. I'm not going to stress if I don't hit these goals exactly every week, but it's a starting point. I will alter things as necessary. The most important goal to hit is the weight standard. If I can meet that, everything else will follow.

Also, I had to estimate my starting point on everything. I am going to test myself in the morning for a better idea.

When I have more time, I'll figure out how to upload it.'s to baby steps! Hopefully now that I can put my progress on paper I'll be able to push even more. That's kind of been my mantra this week. When the workout really starts to suck, I just tell myself...PUSH! PUSH! PUSH!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Greetings to anyone out there in the world's largest dumping ground...

I seriously doubt anyone will actually read my crazy rantings, but the purpose of this blog is not so much to inform, as it is to unload. I'm not sure there's anyone in the world who wouldn't understand someone's need to unload.

So, just to give a foundation to future thoughts, now a little about me:

My name is Sarah. I am 26 years old. I am married and have one 4-year-old son. I am currently seeking my BBA in Accounting. My current job title is "Administrative Assistant," but as most of you know, that's a very broad title. I work for a small, privately-owned company and do a wide variety of tasks.

I have had a lot of good experiences, and a lot of not-so-good ones. I have a colorful background, which has left a lot of thoughts about life scrambling around in my head, and I always sort through things better when I can just write them down. So, here I am. I'm now officially a part of the "blogging" world...