Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Baby steps toward a HUGE goal

Over the past six weeks, my working out and losing weight has been going well. The problem is that, although I know in six weeks I've gone from 265 lbs to 249 lbs, I have not created any kind of "measuring stick." Since there are certain marks I'm going to have to hit in order to make it to OCS, and because I need to break my overwhelmingly huge goal into smaller pieces, I created a goal worksheet.

I started out seeing how long it will take me to reach the maximum weight standard for my height (64") of 141 lbs (Army Weight Tables) if I consistently loose 2 lbs per week. It looks like SO FRIGGIN FAR AWAY!!!!! Holy crap...over a year! (Oh well...I know it will be worth it!) Then I started with the best possible score for a female in the 27-31 age range (although 26 now, I'll be 27 when I put in my packet) for push-ups and sit-ups (APFT Standards) and worked backwards. (I figure if I'm going to be working HARD at this for a whole year, I should be able to max out. Also, I've never been one to just do what's necessary...100% is ALWAYS my goal!)

I really have no idea what to use as reasonable progressions for the tested areas, but just getting something on paper helps. I'm not going to stress if I don't hit these goals exactly every week, but it's a starting point. I will alter things as necessary. The most important goal to hit is the weight standard. If I can meet that, everything else will follow.

Also, I had to estimate my starting point on everything. I am going to test myself in the morning for a better idea.

When I have more time, I'll figure out how to upload it.'s to baby steps! Hopefully now that I can put my progress on paper I'll be able to push even more. That's kind of been my mantra this week. When the workout really starts to suck, I just tell myself...PUSH! PUSH! PUSH!


InfinitesimalPossibilities said...

Just keep "pushing"!

By the way, have you looked at "Quick Weight Loss Centers"? They should have one in your area, and although a tad bit expensive for the program, they GUARANTEE you lose the pounds you want to lose, and a typical loss rate is 3-5 lbs. per week. Consult with your doc first, but when I consulted with mine, she said the program looks excellent.

You get to cook your own food (with some restaurant "cheats"), so it also teaches you how to maintain the weight eventually. I'm doing it myself (second time, first time I didn't finish the program due to life getting in the way).

Since you lose the most at the very beginning, it's a really nice way of enticing you to keep going. Let me know if you'd like more info on it!

Sarah said...

Thanks. I'll google it and see what I can find. I've got the working out thing going. There's just SOOOO many different diet programs, it's hard to figure out what is really going to work.

InfinitesimalPossibilities said...

Do you know which Branch(es) you'd be pursuing?

Sarah said...

I really don't know. They are so different from anything I ever thought I would actually be doing. I've thought Finance, since I'm an accounting major, but from what I've read the Finance branch doesn't exactly do the higher level accounting that I got into it for. I'm hoping that by the time I put my package through in a year I'll have some idea! :)