Wednesday, October 8, 2008

When it rains...

it really freakin pours.

My sister-in-law was nearing the end of her first trimester when she lost the baby yesterday. She's actually doing okay, but we're all really sad for her and my brother-in-law. They were so excited about it.

**You guys are in my prayers!**

I'll update later. Suffice it to say that I've been a little stressed the last week. I feel like I could just sit down and cry for days. Geez I need sleep.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Way to throw a wrench in everything!

So my husband was laid off today. It's stupid. I know we'll be okay, but damn. I guess life has been going entirely too well lately.

Weight is very slow to come off, but weightwatchers online is going pretty well.

My workouts have been random, but I'm trying.

Josh and I sat down this weekend and created a good schedule for our family to get on, but who knows what's going to happen now.

Oh well...we'll just roll with it like we normally do.

I'll try to get more in this weekend.