Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is the ocean blue because it reflects the sky? Or is it the other way around? I can never remember...

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Things are really crazy in my life right now. So, here's my latest unloading:

Weight-loss: Slowly but surely. I've taken my fellow blogger's (Josh) advice and tried drinking instead of eating at night. It's been a really hard habit to break, but those sugar-free drink mixes have helped a lot. I was bad a couple of nights, but generally it's been going pretty well. Thanks to all of the water retention that comes with that "special" time of the month, I technically gained weight this week, but I'm okay because I know I'm working on it, and it'll come off in another week or so.

I've been reading a lot about the Couch-to-5K running program. I have had my reservations, because I just wasn't sure if I could handle it. But, I decided to try it this week. I actually did pretty well. My walking pace was around 3.2 mph, jogging around 4.7. I was able to make it through, and my legs could handle it just fine. My problem was cardiovascular. My lungs burned for two hours after I had finished my workout. I'm not sure why it was so bad. Maybe I haven't been working out correctly (or at least hard enough) until now. Oh least I know my legs can take it. :) Hopefully this new running program will really help.

Work: Blah. I've been behind on things since around April, when I was getting sick a LOT and school was really crazy. Even when I took off the second summer semester and worked 40 hours a week, I still can't seem to get caught up. My boss has told me I can train the new girl to help me, but that takes more time than just doing it myself. I don't know what to do. I'm really at a loss, and I hate that our customers are depending on me to get things done. And it's not like I could be more productive. I get to work, and I generally don't take any breaks until I leave. My dad instilled in me a very strong work ethic...I'm getting paid to work, not talk or screw around. Hopefully something will change. (Yeah...I see that happening!)

School: Management class...a complete joke and waste of my time. Our first test is on Monday. I haven't even bought the book yet, because I suspect the test is going to be mostly common sense, since that's what the whole class has been so far. So, I'll know soon enough if this class is really as elementary as it seems.

Income tax's actually really fun. I know, I'm weird...but, I did choose accounting for a reason! :) I'm learning a lot, and finding out that I might really want to go into government someday and do what I can to improve this country's tax code. It's SOOOOO screwed up!

Intermediate's not the material that's's the pace. I'm not used to it, and it's nerve-wracking. I'm sure I'll be okay once test time rolls around. (This is what I imagined junior level classes to be like!) At least the prof's good. He's really trying to teach us "real life" stuff, not just read us the textbook.

Other stuff: Son...great (a brat, but great); husband...amazing (he recently switched from smoking to dipping, and quit dipping a couple of days ago, so he's been a little moody, but hey, he's trying!); my dad came to town this past weekend...I miss him SOOOO much...he's a wonderful man, and I will always seek his approval; other family is good, and Thomas (my son) is going to finally have a cousin! yay! I'm so happy for my brother- and sister-in-law!

One final note: my Cowboys beat Josh's (my husband) Browns on Sunday...OOOOOOOOH how sweet it is! :) As a result, I get to re-name his fantasy team. I have yet to approach that subject, what with the pain of his loss and the lack of nicotine in his system. Also, my fantasy team kicked the crap out of my opponent...I have a feeling it's going to be a GREAT football season! GO COWBOYS!

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