Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This week's update

Just a quick update: Last week went okay. I was having a lot of "female" problems, so I didn't get to work out very much. But, I started Weight Watchers online, and that's going pretty well. Yesterday was horrible. I stayed up really late Sunday night studying for tests in both of my hard classes. Grrrrr, they were hard. I'll be lucky if I pass my income tax test and I'll be happy with a B on my accounting test. I really feel like I'm spreading myself too thin. I'm just really not sure what can get cut???? Anyhow, I've been gaining weight the last couple of weeks. I'm sure it's a combination of my sporadic exercising and lack of sleep and female crap. I'm up to freakin 253 :P

But, I'm starting off today trying to get back into "the swing of things." I'm going back to Wk 1 D 1 of couch to 5k and Wk 2 D 1 of pushups. We'll see how that goes.

Hope all is well with you guys.


Josh Ogren said...
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Josh Ogren said...

Now with less email!
Everything is going well with me. I'm finally back on track with my weight loss and exercise after my injury. I'll update my blog tomorrow or Wed with the details.

Btw I feel for your college stress. Just don't give up and relax. Also, the best thing you can get is sleep. A lot of college goers have it in their head they need to stay up till all hours studying to cover all that material. This is probably the biggest fallacy I can think of. When you're tired and exhausted you retain much less of what you read and do then if you are fully rested. You end up going over stuff you've done already. The best way to keep your memory and mind sharp is to get on a definite schedule. Plan a week out in advance. Always go to bed and eat around the same time everyday(if possible. This will improve you attention span and memory retention significantly. If you want to talk more about some study management techniques and school stress management you can email me.